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Florida DeafBlind Association (FDBA) has changed the term Support Service Provider (SSP) to CoNavigator (CN) in the early Fall of 2019. FSSP has been renamed FCN since then. The term CN is now being used by many DeafBlind individuals and their supporters. The current term gives the concept that a CN works WITH, not FOR, the DeafBlind individual. We are pleased to see the term CN has been gaining popularity and recognition throughout the nation ... and the world.

FDBA provides training for the new CoNavigators and refresher training. The training includes how to work with each DeafBlind individual as a team and to ensure each DB's autonomy.

DeafBlind individuals can request for CN services by filling out the request form. Please bear with us as we strive to recruit and train CNs. It depends on the availability of CNs in your area. Click or tap the FCN logo below. Then visit the Request a CN page.

Individuals wishing to become CNs can apply by filling out the form provided. Click or tap the FCN logo below. Then visit the Become a CN page.

If you wish to learn more about FCN, click or tap the logo below.

If you have any web-related issues with this website, please use this Contact form.

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